Samsung Galaxy 5 (I5503) is an Android based smartphone which falls in the low price category of smartphones in India. It is available in India now at a Price of Rs.10,200 and its features includes 600 Mhz CPU, 2.8" Inch display, 2 MP camera, GPS , 3G and Wi-Fi
Features and Specifications of Samsung Galaxy 5 (I5503):
- Full touchscreen Phone
- Android 2.1 Operating Platform
- 3G Enabled
- Wi-Fi
- 2 MP Camera
- 600 Mhz CPU
- 2.8” QVGA LCD Display
- Bluetooth v2.1
- USB v2.0
- 150 MB Internal Memory
- Expandable up to 16 GB
- 1200 mAh Battery
- Touch Wiz 3.0 user interface
- 3.5 mm Audio Jack
- FM Radio
Price and Availability in India:
Samsung Galaxy 5 will now be available in India at a Price of Rs.10,200
very nice blog !!!!!!!!!!
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