
Sunday, August 1, 2010

How to Improve Battery Life of Nokia N97 Mini

Four days back i purchased a new Nokia N97 Mini. For the past three days i was facing problem with the battery, it used to drain out within 6 hours, I thought there was some defect with the battery and was almost on my way to the Nokia Store to get it replaced.

However, i thought i will research a bit on my usage and see if its something with the defect or my usage. Guys! This was not defective, it was because of the improper usage. I will below list down the key points which help us in saving the battery on Nokia N97 Mini, infact any of the smartphones. These are very simple and general points and we should all take care of them to improve the battery life of our mobile phones.

How to Improve Battery Life on Nokia N97 Mini:
  • Close all applications which are not being used. To do that hold the menu button for few seconds, it will show all the current applications running on N97 Mini, select one by one the applications which you are not using, Click on "Back Arrow" button on the keypad, Now Exit the application.
  • Keep your Bluetooth Off, untill unless you actually require it. It saves battery as well as security of your phone is maintained.
  • Most Important: Keep the WLAN Scanning Off, It consumes the most amount of battery, if it is kept automatically on, then where ever you will go, your phone will search for Wi-Fi networks, even if you don't need it. To Turn of automatic scan, Follow This: Go to Settings--Connectivity--WLAN--Options--Settings---Show WLAN Availability--Select "Never"
  • Keep the homescreen applications in offline mode. To do this, at your homescreen in N97 Mini, Go to Options--Content to offline mode. This will not allow your homescreen applications to again and again search for internet connectivity. Thus saves power
  • Keep the screen brightness low
  • Keep minimum turn on light time

These are few simple tips to save the battery, Guys let me know if i have missed any thing here 

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